
What are Phobias?

A phobia is characterised by an irrational fear of something, which can be an object, animal, or situation. The specific trigger for a phobia can significantly differ from one person to another.


This condition, classified as an anxiety disorder, can manifest anywhere in a person's life. Symptoms can vary in intensity, ranging from mild to severely disruptive. If your fear is exceptionally intense and negatively affecting your daily functioning, it is advisable to seek medical assistance.


Phobias have the potential to impact individuals of all ages. While some phobias are more commonly developed during childhood, others can emerge anytime. More information is provided below.

Types of Phobia

Phobias come in various forms, with some of the more prevalent ones related to fears of spiders, dogs, heights, or flying, known as "simple phobias." These simple phobias typically emerge during childhood or adolescence, often in response to a traumatic experience.


Less common are "complex phobias" like social phobia (social anxiety disorder) or agoraphobia, which tend to develop in adulthood and can significantly disrupt daily life, making it challenging to manage day-to-day activities.


If you suspect you have a complex phobia or require assistance with a simple phobia, don't hesitate to consult a doctor. They can ensure you receive the necessary support and treatment.

Symptoms of Phobia

Symptoms of phobias can vary from person to person and may encompass both physical and psychological manifestations. Some of the physical symptoms may include:


  • Increased heart rate

  • Breathing difficulties

  • Chest pain

  • Chest tightness

  • Trembling or shaking

  • Fluctuations in body temperature (e.g., hot or cold flashes)

  • Feeling disconnected from reality, such as fearing imminent death


Regardless of their severity, you should consult a doctor regarding available treatment options if you struggle to manage your phobia symptoms. They can assist you in finding ways to cope with these symptoms and minimise their impact on your daily life.

Diagnosis of Phobias

Many individuals with phobias do not receive formal diagnoses because they adapt their lives to avoid the triggers of their fears. Nevertheless, it's crucial not to let this deter you from seeking assistance if needed. Ignoring your phobia can sometimes exacerbate the situation. Therefore, reaching out to a doctor is advisable, primarily if your phobia significantly affects your daily life.


Our online doctors are well-equipped to ask pertinent questions to identify the root cause of your phobia, and they can also guide you toward specialised treatment if necessary. They are committed to ensuring that you receive the appropriate treatment to help reduce the impact of your phobia on your everyday life.

Causes of Phobias

While the cause of your phobia may not be readily apparent to you, a doctor can discuss it with you to explore potential underlying factors.


As mentioned, simple or specific phobias are often associated with stressful events or situations during childhood or adolescence. These experiences can give rise to more common phobias, such as fear of heights or confined spaces.


Possible causes of these types of phobias may include:


  • A traumatic incident

  • Stressful circumstances

  • Learned behaviour (for instance, growing up with someone who has a phobia)


On the other hand, there are complex phobias like social phobia or agoraphobia, where the causes are not always fully understood.

Treatment for Phobias

Whether you've been grappling with a phobia for a long time or it has recently surfaced, the initial step is to consult a doctor, and the encouraging news is that nearly all phobias can be managed or treated.


There are several treatment options available, including:


  • Psychotherapy

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

  • Self-help resources such as books, online programs, and support groups

  • Medication


A doctor can assess your situation and determine the most suitable treatment approach for you. Depending on the impact of your phobia, your treatment plan may involve a combination of medication and some form of therapy to achieve the most effective results.

Consult a Doctor online

At Mobi Doctor, our doctors are available year-round. You can conduct a face-to-face video consultation on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop. We will accommodate your needs, ensuring a judgment-free and pressure-free experience.