When you brush or floss your teeth, you may notice bleeding at your gum line, commonly called bleeding gums. This could be a sign of an issue with oral health, or in some uncommon cases, it could manifest an underlying medical condition.
Observing blood when brushing your teeth might indicate the initial stages of gum disease, called gingivitis. Accumulated plaque on your teeth can lead to gum infection and subsequent inflammation. This could result in bleeding at the gum line and discomfort while brushing or eating.
Regular dental check-ups are advisable, as dentists can remove plaque and promote effective oral hygiene to prevent this condition. Neglected gingivitis can progress to a more severe state known as periodontitis, ultimately leading to tooth loss, underscoring the importance of timely treatment.
Alternatively, simple factors like using a new toothbrush or altering your flossing routine could cause gum bleeding. For more guidance on gingivitis and periodontitis, consult your dentist.
Other medical conditions may also cause bleeds in your gums, which we will discuss in this article.
The weakened immune system of diabetics and people with chronic health conditions makes gum disease more common.
Your blood may not clot properly due to a shortage of platelets, resulting in a blood disorder. This could lead to easy bruising and excessive bleeding.
The blood requires platelets to clot correctly, and their absence can lead to unusual bruising and bleeding.
If someone is experiencing bleeding gums, it could be a symptom of leukaemia. However, multiple other symptoms may typically occur with this severe illness. Leukaemia is a cancer affecting blood cells and can lead to bleeding or bruising in various body parts.
If you have a medical condition requiring blood thinning medication, it may increase your risk of bleeding. To reduce the risk of bleeding, it is essential to be gentle when brushing your teeth and avoid applying too much pressure that may cause the gums to bleed.
The gums of pregnant women can become more sensitive due to hormonal changes, which may lead to bleeding gums.
If your gums are bleeding, it is recommended that you make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. This is because the most frequent cause of bleeding gums is plaque. Your dentist can perform a thorough cleaning to remove any plaque buildup and provide guidance on preventing gingivitis from progressing.
You can try a few self-help methods to stop bleeding gums if you do not have any other symptoms. These include:
If you are experiencing gum bleeding and a dentist has ruled out gum disease or other oral hygiene issues, you should consult a doctor to discuss treatment options. Suppose you also notice any unusual bruising or blood loss from other places on your body. In that case, seeking medical attention as soon as possible is essential, as this could indicate an underlying condition.
After considering your medical background, the medications you are taking, and the symptoms you are experiencing, a doctor may require additional investigations, such as blood tests, to properly diagnose you.
With Mobi Doctor, you can consult a doctor via any device from the comfort of your home, workplace, or while travelling. Our doctors are accessible every day of the week, providing you with the necessary guidance, diagnoses, and treatments. Additionally, they can refer specialists for in-depth examinations or therapies if necessary.
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